I have been listening to this nightly for 7 weeks and have lost 28 pounds, so far. I am no longer on a diet so when I eat something unhealthy, I havent blown it. This teaches you to eat like a slim, fit, healthy person. I no longer eat special diet foods or drink special diet drinks. I eat what my family eats, just in much smaller quantities. I never used to like to drink water, but now I crave it. I have learned to listen to and trust my body. I eat when I am hungry, truly hungry, not bored or emotionally hungry, and stop when I am satisfied, not when my plate is empty or I am stuffed. I often want some potato chips in the evening, but 3 or 4 satisfies me. I no longer buy those king size candy bars at the check out and inhale them in the car on the way home so nobody else knows. I just dont even think about buying them. If I do get stuck in line beside them, they just dont interest me anymore. It is truly the most amazing thing I have ever found. I just wish I had found it sooner. At 54, I wasted thousands of dollars on diets, diet programs, and diet doctors over the years. They worked but only temporarily. When I stopped, the weight always came back.
It is so simple but so life changing. Go ahead, give it a try...you know you want to finally lose the weight and live like a slim person.
DestinTeacherMom about Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis